Midnight Ride

When we first moved to this farm.

There was nothing here except our house and a horse paddock.

Our house was situated in the middle of what was once, many years ago, a cotton field.

To get to it, you turned off the hard road, then made another turn to the left that led to what some would call “nowhere”.

In the middle of the night, I awoke to someone beating on the side of our house. I woke The Captain, telling him that someone was beating on the house.

First, let me say this. The Captain is a sound sleeper. He would have slept right through it. Just like he slept through Hurricane Hugo.

He couldn’t get awake enough to understand what I was trying to tell him.

I got up to investigate. I walked out on the porch at the other end of the house to find a cab sitting beside my car.

And a slightly intoxicated friend walking alongside the house.

It was Saturday night and he had just gotten off work. He worked at a local country bar. As a bartender. I guess he spent the night serving drinks and decided it was his turn to do the drinking.

Atleast he was responsible enough to get a cab to drive him.

But can you imagine the thoughts going through the cab drivers mind as our friend instructed him to drive out into the darkness of a lonely field.

Not knowing there was actually a house with living inhabitants out there in the darkness.

I imagine he was weighing his odds against this drunk dude.

“He’s gonna drive me out in the middle of nowhere and attack me.”

“Well, he’s drunk. I think I can take him.”

“And if I have to, I’ll run over him with this here cab.”

Yeah, I can imagine the thoughts that went through his head as he creeped along the not-so beaten path to our house.


What did the friend want in the middle of the night?

He wanted The Captain to go on a midnight horseback ride with him.

I’ll tell ya more about that tomorrow.

13 comments on “Midnight Ride

  1. Funny. Once a drunk came knocking on our door out in the country years ago at 2 am. It scared the pants off me and my husband who is also a sound sleeper had to be dragged out of bed to come with me to the door. The guy turned out just wanting to know if his friend, Bob, lived there. Strange but kind of creepy. We sent him on his way. I look forward to the rest of your story.

  2. That was funny, I know what you mean I have a step dad like that. He is very confused when he gets woke up. Now I just go and investigate myself with my .38 and superdupper flashlight. They aren’t lookin for a muckin to come get them…so I feel pretty safe…LOL

  3. The drunk friends that arrive at my house in the wee hours of the morning in a cab usually end up asking me for cab money to get them there and on home. I stopped answering my door.

  4. I don’t think I would have stepped out side with out a loaded shotgun and the knowledge that I also knew how to use it. LOL
    That had to be a little scary to say the least.

  5. Becky you have the most adventures of anyone I know!

    One morning in our old neighborhood we awoke to the next door teenager boys’s car alarm going off. Some drunk had opened the door and layed down in the seat.

    Oh, I wouldn’t have gone out. Nope.

  6. Ha! I once had a drunk lady call my house in the middle of the night looking for someone with the same name as my dad. I tried to assure her she was looking for someone else but she thought I was trying to hide my “boyfriend” from her. She said, “G-g-girl, I don’t wwwwant your boyfriend I just want to riiiidddee aaaa h-h-horssse!!”.

    Hang up, rinse, repeat.

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